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    When do employees pay tax on employee share scheme interests?

    An employee who acquires an interest under an employee share scheme will generally be required to pay tax. However the time at which this tax is payable, and also the way in which the tax is ...

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    Eligibility criteria for the ESS start-up concession

    Since July 2015, the Australian Government has been allowing concessions to eligible companies in an effort to improve the competitiveness of Australia’s tax treatment of employee share schemes. This ...

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    What is a construction management contract?

    A construction management contract is one type of Early Contractor Involvement (or ‘ECI’) arrangement, and differs from a traditional lump sum model in a number of respects. This article explains the ...

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    The different types of construction contract explained

    This article explains the different types of construction contract, and explains how to choose the right type of contract for your next project. Although the same general principles should apply to ...

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    What is a provisional sum?

    A provisional sum is an allowance included in a fixed price construction contract for an item of work that cannot be priced by the contractor at the time of entering the contract.

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    10 differences between AS 4000 and AS 2124

    Both AS 2124 and its successor AS 4000 are widely used forms of construction contract in Australia. Although they have many similarities, there are some significant differences.

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    Introduction to AS 2124

    The Australian Standard AS 2124-1992 General Conditions of Contract remains a widely used form of construct only head contract, despite it having been succeeded by AS 4000-1997 and now being almost ...

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    What is the defects liability period (DLP)?

    The defects liability period (or 'DLP') is a fixed period of time, starting from the date of practical completion, during which the contractor has an express contractual right to return to the site ...

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    How to claim a variation under a construction contract

    Construction contracts usually contain specific procedures for claiming a variation - which, if not followed, can result in your entitlement to claim being lost. There are six basic steps to follow ...

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    Introduction to AS 4000

    AS 4000, more formally known as the Australian Standard AS 4000-1997 General Conditions of Contract, is one of the most widely used forms of head contract for construction projects in Australia.

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    What is Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) and how does it work?

    Early contractor involvement (or 'ECI') is a method of construction contracting that allows a builder to become involved, and potentially start work, before the design has been completed.

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    What's the difference between arbitration and mediation?

    Arbitration and mediation are two very different processes that allow parties to resolve disputes outside of court. Mediation involves a facilitated negotiation, whereas arbitration involves a third ...

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    10 Reasons to engage an External Construction Lawyer

    Engaging an external construction lawyer can be a transformative decision for your company. These highly skilled professionals can bring a new dimension to your risk management processes and a differe...

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    5 crucial tips for a rise and fall clause

    Rise and fall clauses are one way principals and contractors are seeking to mitigate pricing risk in the current market. Despite being used rarely in the decades leading up to the COVID pandemic, they...

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    How to automate your contracting processes: where to start

    The biggest obstacle for most organisations seeking to improve their contracting process is simply knowing where to start. Unsure which improvement projects to prioritise, which type(s) of technology ...

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    When do employees pay tax on employee share scheme interests?

    An employee who acquires an interest under an employee share scheme will generally be required to pay tax. However the time at which this tax is payable, and also the way in which the tax is calculate...

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    Eligibility criteria for the ESS start-up concession

    Since July 2015, the Australian Government has been allowing concessions to eligible companies in an effort to improve the competitiveness of Australia’s tax treatment of employee share schemes. This ...

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    Why your exit strategy needs to include an employee share scheme

    To get the best possible outcome on an exit event, you will need to ensure that your business is performing at its peak - right before the exit event, and often for a period of time after completion (...

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