As commercial lawyers, our role is dedicated to the solution of commercial problems through the application of legal principles. We excel at this. We don’t waste time focusing on commercially unimportant issues.
There is invariably a legal element in the work we do, but usually it's only part of the issue (and often a relatively minor one). We’re just as concerned with the bigger commercial picture.
If you ask us what we think, we’ll tell you. (If you haven’t already experienced it, most lawyers won’t do this.)
And if we don’t know the answer, we’ll be able to help you solve it.
There’s not much you can ask that we haven’t come across before. Both our principals have MBAs. Both have years of experience in general commercial practice, and both have served as directors outside of legal practice. Our networks extend far beyond our physical premises.
If you’re not sure where to start, we’d love to hear from you. We’re confident that we’ll be able to help steer you in the right direction.
Independently of our commercial work, we can provide personal legal services to executives and other stakeholders (obviously assuming there are no conflicts).
For example, we are sometimes asked to assist executives with the preparation of wills or the sale or purchase of real estate. We are also able to refer executives to other specialists where the need arises, such as accountants, tax advisors, financial planners and family law specialists.
Over 30 pages of detailed commentary, including a glossary of useful terms and a sample decision-making matrix.
In this guide you’ll learn about:
Level 22, Sydney Place, 180 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
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Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.